40 units of Insulin stopped in just 3 days

I was diagnosed with diabetes in the year 2002
when I was 36 years old. Initially, there was one tablet prescribed and I started taking all ayurvedic home remedies like karela juice and soaked fenugreek seeds in the morning.
However, there was no improvement. The medicine doses and their numbers kept on increasing each year.
In the year 2016, I met with an accident and had a fracture on my left hand's wrist.
My HBA1C was 9 at that time. My surgery was to be postponed by 3 days till the sugar level came normal.
I was given high doses of Insulin. Post the surgery, I had to start taking Insulin twice a day. Initially, it was 10 units each time and progressively it got increased to 40 units per day.
Taking Insulin was so cumbersome plus it had lots of side effects like my weight kept on increasing, my waist size, belly fats increased exponentially. I had to hold my breath each time while taking pictures to hide the belly fat. Besides that, stress at work was another factor that was not in my control.
I was praying for some miracle to happen to overcome this situation. And one day, suddenly I came across FFD through one of my close friends, Nitin Godbole,
who got rid of all diabetes medicines upon doing the Discover Reversal Session. I attended the basic program of Dr. Pramod Tripathi in June 2018 and that time itself I started getting the positive vibes that my diabetes can be reversed. I decided to attend the TRP course. I enrolled myself in the TRP 43rd batch starting from August 30th to Sept 6th, 2018.
Upon arriving at the Hidden Oasis venue, it was such a pleasant environment that my positive energy had increased 5 times.
Upon meeting and having sessions with Dr. Duriya and Yunus Sir, my confidence level went to 100% and I was sure that I will go free from Insulin and medicines by the end of the course. TRP course is excellent and so nice that we got 100 times more returns than the expectations.
I don't think we can ever get such a wonderful experience anywhere else in life.
I got rid of Insulin on the 3rd day itself and was free from all medicines on the 6th day. I was taking 6 tablets a day. I just couldn't believe it.
How come such a heavy dose of medicine and Insulin can be eliminated in just 6 days. It was a miracle!! It was dream come true for me! Upon returning back to Thane, I started following the FFD diet and exercises. Now it is more than 1 month and my sugar levels are normal without any medicine and insulin.
Now my target is to pass the GTT in the next 3 months so that I get the opportunity to hit the Muktotsav podium next year and receive a medal. Thanks to Dr. Pramod Tripathi and the entire FFD team for making my dream come true. Just Thank you is not enough.
I would love to share my experience and help others to reverse their diabetes post I pass the GTT. I pray for the great success of the FFD mission and let India be free of Diabetes in the coming years! God Bless all of us!!